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OVAHA Board Meeting Minutes
Sunday November 08, 2009
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Minutes from previous meeting read. Linda motioned to accept as read, Amanda 2nd, motion passed.

Louise went of the Treasurer’s report. Final for Sat was 2956.35 and Sun $1176.96 which we get 75% of. Grounds fees were up over $7000, spent $850 on ribbons, show secretary $1,200.

Mary Loden’s report, on the ballot Pres Sherri Lewis, VP Mary Loden, Secretary Sharon Hanks, Treasurer Louise Michels and Denise Mealy. Becky is the new Membership person. Board there are three openings and four running: Linda Laufer, Kristin Herder, Michelle, and Pam Stowe (Michael may be stepping down from his position after Dec, which would make 4 opening).

Sherri thanked Amanda. At the Christmas Party we will be having a national champion carriage driver and horse demo, by Merideth Giere. She reminded us of our mantra quality, diversity of subject and dedication. She mentioned our vests with the new logo and that they were $30.

Linda motioned to adjourn meeting at 3:15, Tammy 2nd, motion passed.

Vinyl banners appx 2’x3’ for $30.

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm

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